Monthly Membership
$39.00 / month
365 days of personal remote energy balancing, clearings & healings!
The healing of any kind, from your body to your relationships, is a byproduct of working out the kinks, blocks and entanglements within your energy field. To fully master the energy that IS You, and become the conscious co-creator of your reality (with Spirit), it all begins with clearing and working with the energy patterns that form your inner and outer experiences. The more “inner work” you do, the easier and better your life (outer reality) becomes and the higher your vibrational frequency rises.
Kelli will include you personally, and any other members of your family or loved ones you would like to have included on her daily spiritual healing and power prayer list. When you sign-up please include your healing intentions desired for each individual. Kelli works with Spirit, her High Self and Angelic healing team to activate and assist you daily with your individual energetic Healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – according to your desired intentions for your life, as well as clearing out negative residue or interference you pick up and may carry throughout your day. You will be surrounded with a powerful 27 Merkabah shield of protection. To fully master the energy that IS You, it all begins with clearing and working with the energy patterns that form your inner and outer experiences. The more “inner work” you do, the easier and better your life becomes.
Should you wish to gift these healings to other people we will first ask permission from their soul to receive these healings. Should their soul decline, we will not charge you and they will not be included on the list.
After you paid your first month you will receive an email from Kelli Clayton ( with the information about your membership.